May 21, 2024

Horizon Release: In-World GDScript, Materials, and Make Games in The Mirror #2

The #1 most-requested feature

Download The Mirror: Horizon Release
Horizon Release: In-World GDScript, Materials, and Make Games in The Mirror #2

It's a big day here at The Mirror! We're excited to ship our latest Horizon release to you with our top-requested feature: In-world GDScript, networked and in real-time. Horizon additionally ships with a significant upgrade to materials, another one of our most-requested features. On top of this, Horizon includes many quality of life fixes, UI polish, and bug fixes. We're definitely still in Alpha, but we think you'll enjoy this update.

With this comes perfect timing for our second Make Games in The Mirror tutorial, covering how to get your feet wet with GDScript in-world.

Feel like you're too early to jump from no-code visual scripting to GDScript? No problem! Check out Make Games in The Mirror #2: You can actually run both visual scripts and GDScripts side-by-side, even on the same object! Our aim to give you the flexibility for how you work best.